Mercedes Brake Line Repair – Rust Damage
If you look at this late model Mercedes, you’d think that it hardly would have a problem with rusted brake lines, a safety issue that has afflicted domestic cars for decades, but until recently, was quite rarely seen on European autos.
Why This Happened
We’ve seen the transition from the older bonded phosphate brake lines used on the European cars that never rusted, to painted lines. We’ve found that the painted lines are much more susceptible to cracking the coating and then rusting the exposed metal.
But knowing where to look is the key, Justin, one of our highly skilled techs, removed the plastic cover under the floor pan and found this. Maybe just a few stops left, and then….no brake pedal. Not a good way to start off your morning.
But Wait, There’s More
But we have a solution, we fabricate replacement brake lines out of a nickel alloy brake line that will likely outlast the life of the car!
At Atlantic Motorcar, we’re all about providing our customers not only Great Service but also Value. We understand that “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” (my mom would be proud I remembered that.), in other words, preventing, or catching problems like these brake lines early, can save you more than just money.
Questions, or if we can be of help in any way with service on your Audi, BMW, Mercedes, Mini Cooper or other European (and now Japanese) import, please contact us. Our team of Service Specialists are here to help, for even the newest autos! (207) 882-9969.
Knowing, not just “doing”, that’s the Atlantic Motorcar Center way of life.
The Atlantic Motorcar Center Service Team