Knowledge, Integrity, Trust
Classic Mercedes Benz, returning customer.
He also owns the “Cold War” Benz we mechanically restored last fall, that was one of the most enjoyable and rewarding projects I’ve been involved in during my 30+ years of German auto service. Until now.
Then this car comes along. This visit was the resurrection of his beloved 1971 Mercedes 250 Coupe. There really is a very special character to these cars, you have to see to fully appreciate. The attention to detail was remarkable, and this example is very, very original.
Study In Contrasts
AMC Master Tech “Big Nick” makes easy work of Mercedes oil cooler seals, while Master Tech Kyle is in the background busy with another Mercedes, a classic 250C coupe.
Yes, the Mercedes CDI oil cooler really is located in the middle of the engine, we asked the same question “Why” as well. Unfortunately we don’t design cars, we just service and repair them.
Repair Or Replace
It’s not always about bolting new parts on. In some cases, like this classic Mercedes Benz, we’d much prefer to repair, than replace. That sounds a little old school perhaps, but often different is better.
See the crack in this mounting bracket for the air conditioning compressor? Chances are its not going to be easy to find for this vintage auto. But why bother, and wait days or weeks for a part, when in less than an hour, we can MIG weld, then finish and paint it, making it look like new.
That’s our thinking and our capabilities here at AMC, if it needs a new part, we’ve likely got it on hand. If on the other hand, we can repair it, saving our customer time, and money, and provide a long lasting repair, why not?
Of course, it’s always our customer’s choice, we believe in making them our partner in the service process. Our 35+ of service experience allow us to offer our customers some service savings that you just don’t commonly find today.
Old School
When was the last time you saw a set like these? Vintage Zenith carburetors. German automotive design at it’s finest.
Though we’re equipped to service even the newest autos, it’s a welcome contrast to go old school sometimes.
I’m immensely grateful and blessed by the trust folks put in us, every day. Be it a classic Benz or the average daily driver, each and every customer, and each and every car, matters deeply to us.
I personally feel that we are caretakers of these wonderful metal and leather works of art for future generations. In the meantime we get to meet some of the most interesting folks. 👍
Bruce and the AMC Team