Case Studies

With Honor – A Life Well Lived, Extraordinarily Well

With Honor

When I first met Robert, he was referred to our facility to solve some previously unresolved problems with his classic 1998 Mercedes wagon. He was 95 at the time and informed me that he was interested in driving his Mercedes until he was 100.

I truly believed, given his grace, determination, and experience, that he’d make that. A very resolute, yet kind and gracious spirit. We solved the Mercedes wagon problems, and then he brought me his pride and joy, pictured here, a 1971 Mercedes 250C that he had brought over from Europe.

Robert didn’t quite make 100, passing away a few years back at 97. Ironically, this year, 2022, would be the 100th anniversary of his year of birth in his native England. Fittingly, we share this announcement.


But first, before we talk about the new area, let me tell you a little about Robert…

A most extraordinary gentleman, meeting this WW2 hero (how often do you meet a living Royal Air Force Spitfire pilot these days, especially one who shared a cigar with Winston Churchill?) and resurrecting his classic Mercedes was truly one of the highlights of my then 34-year career in automotive service.

After the completion of his first Mercedes, we sat in my office, talking about life and cars, when he suddenly spotted a Morse code key and practice sounder sitting on my desk. Being a ham radio operator, I frequently used it in my spare time to keep my Morse code sending sharp. Like a boy in a toy shop, he grabbed it up and began sending Morse code, a skill that he had learned some 75 years earlier in the RAF. I was delighted to gift him that, and so it was that when he would later call, I’d pick up the phone to the melodious tones of Morse code being sent.

If I may, I’d like to share the story of a life well-lived, very well lived. I knew he was extraordinary, but humble man he was, I didn’t know quite how much, until I read his obit. I knew I found a kindred spirit, didn’t realize how much. A part of Robert’s story can be found here –

So it was, when we bought our second location last July, we had some freed-up space at the main shop.
Discussions ensued, and our team agreed that it would be an ideal location to make a simple showroom, and there to display Robert’s car.

So a renovation was undertaken late last year, recently completed, the floor was epoxy coated with a wonderful vintage flake finish, the walls painted, cove molding installed, and antique lighting put into place. This is the result. We plan artwork for the wall and a couple of overstuffed leather chairs. I think Robert would be proud…

– Bruce

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